Jordan is located in Western Asia, covering an area of 89,342 km2. Jordan has dry to semi-dry climate conditions with annual precipitation that falls below 50 millimeters in most areas. The country faces a severe water scarcity challenge ranking as the second most water-scarce country in the world. The individual share of water is around 100 m3/ca annually, much below the threshold of absolute scarcity (500m3/ ca annually). The severe aridity and water scarcity make the country environmentally sensitive to climate change and increase the frequency and intensity of climate-related hazards such as extreme temperatures, droughts, flash floods, storms, and landslides (NAP, 2021).
Notwithstanding a severe water shortage, Jordan is one of few countries in the Middle East to have managed its wastewater resources relatively well. According to the Annual Report by the Ministry of Water and Irrigation (2020), the country has managed to provide 65% of its population with a sewerage network. All collected wastewater is being treated by 34 wastewater treatment plants distributed over the kingdom. While the country produces 164 MCM of treated wastewater yearly contributing to around 14% of the total water supplies, it is expected to treat 240 MCM/per year by 2025, contributing to around 16% of the total water budget (UN, 2022).
The Ministry of Water and Irrigation continued to develop water and sanitation services, enhance water supply, and expand reuse programs, in addition, to preparing its investment plan for the years (2016-2025), which includes all projects and programs related to the water sector and working on preparing a number of policies such as ground and surface water policy, raising energy efficiency policy, renewable energy policy, and issues related to climate change and drought. Furthermore, it continued to develop and amend the Water Authority Law, the Jordan Valley Development Law, and the groundwater monitoring system, to keep pace with global developments. The Jordan Valley and the groundwater monitoring system, and the Ministry of Water and Irrigation system to keep pace with global developments. BORDA Jordan contributes to this effort by providing capacity building, adaptive wastewater treatment systems, and integrated urban sanitation solutions.
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