
Privacy Policy – International Version

Our website may be used without entering personal information. Different rules may apply to certain services on our site, however, and are explained separately below. We collect personal information from you (e.g. name, address, email address, telephone number, etc.) in accordance with the provisions of German data protection statutes. Information is considered personal if it can be associated exclusively to a specific natural person. The legal framework for data protection may be found in the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG). The provisions below serve to provide information as to the manner, extent and purpose for collecting, using and processing personal information by the provider.

Am Deich 45
28199 Bremen

Executive Director: Judith Ringlstetter
Chair: Joachim Klaembt
Phone: +49.421.40 89 52 – 0
Fax: +49.421.40 89 52 – 50
Email: office@borda.org

email: data.privacy@borda.org

Registered NGO at Bremen Local Court N° VR 3366,
TaxN° 460/146/02931

Please be aware that data transfer via the internet is subject to security risks and, therefore, complete protection against third-party access to transferred data cannot be ensured.


Our website makes use of so-called cookies in order to recognize repeat use of our website by the same user/internet connection subscriber. Cookies are small text files that your internet browser downloads and stores on your computer. They are used to improve our website and services. In most cases these are so-called “session cookies” that are deleted once you leave our website.

To an extent, however, these cookies also pass along information used to automatically recognize you. Recognition occurs through an IP address saved to the cookies. The information thereby obtained is used to improve our services and to expedite your access to the website.

You can prevent cookies from being installed by adjusting the settings on your browser software accordingly. You should be aware, however, that by doing so you may not be able to make full use of all the functions of our website.

Server Data

For technical reasons, data such as the following, which your internet browser transmits to us or to our web space provider (so called server log files), is collected:
– type and version of the browser you use
– operating system
– websites that linked you to our site (referrer URL)
– websites that you visit
– date and time of your visit
– your Internet Protocol (IP) address.
This anonymous data is stored separately from any personal information you may have provided, thereby making it impossible to connect it to any particular person. The data is used for statistical purposes in order to improve our website and services.

WP Statistics Plugin

We use the WP Statistics plugin on our website to gather and analyze website traffic data while ensuring compliance with European data protection laws (GDPR). Here is a detailed outline of how this plugin handles your data:

  1. Data Collection and Anonymization:

    • WP Statistics does not collect personal data or personally identifiable information (PII). The plugin does not use cookies to track visitors.
    • IP addresses are anonymized before being processed. For IPv4 addresses, the last octet is removed, and for IPv6 addresses, the last 80 bits are removed. This ensures that individual visitors cannot be identified from their IP addresses.
    • The plugin uses IP address hashing combined with a daily rotating salt to create anonymous identifiers, ensuring that visitor data remains secure and untraceable across different days.
  2. Data Storage and Ownership:

    • All data collected by WP Statistics is stored locally on our WordPress server. This means that if our website and its database are hosted within the European Union, the data remains within the EU, ensuring compliance with EU data protection standards.
    • We have full control and ownership of the data collected through WP Statistics. No external parties have access to this data.
  3. Usage of Collected Data:

    • The collected data includes page URLs, HTTP referrers, browser and operating system information, device types, and approximate geolocation data (country, region, city).
    • This data helps us understand website traffic patterns, popular content, and visitor behavior without compromising visitor privacy.
  4. Compliance with GDPR:

    • WP Statistics is fully compliant with GDPR. By default, the plugin anonymizes IP addresses and does not store any personal data, eliminating the need for cookie consent pop-ups.
    • The plugin’s privacy settings are customizable to ensure that we meet all relevant data protection requirements.

For more detailed information on how WP Statistics handles data, please refer to their documentation.


We use software from FundraisingBox on our website (Wikando GmbH, Schießgrabenstrasse 32, 86150 Augsburg). FundraisingBox offers organisations, institutions, associations and foundations the opportunity to operate online fundraising and donation management with the support of their software. You can make a donation using FundraisingBox on our website. The data from the donation transactions are SSL encrypted and stored in certified data centres. The processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with data protection regulations. FundraisingBox employees are committed to data secrecy. Every donation amount goes directly to the account of BORDA e.V. and not via a FundraisingBox account.

As part of the donation you make via FundraisingBox, the following personal data will be processed and stored:

(1) Salutation, first name / last name
(2) email address
as well as (if provided):
(3) address / postal code / city / country

First name and last name are mandatory fields, as this is the only way we can guarantee a clear allocation of your donation in our database.

Furthermore, the provision of name data and bank details is required to complete the donation and due to tax regulations and money laundering regulations.

When you make a donation, we collect the details of the transaction along with your name, email address and postal address, if available. We will then send you a thank you message by email. In the donation form, you have the option to consent to the receipt of information about our work. If you give us your consent, we will add you to our newsletter mailing list. You can find further information on data protection in our newsletter dispatch in the “Newsletter and use of the MailChimp automation platform” section of this page.

If you make a credit card donation, your card details will only be viewed by our donation service provider FundraisingBox and not by us. We only receive the donation itself as well as information about the donor and the transfer. The rest of the information is managed by the FundraisingBox service provider alone.

If you make a transfer, we will only receive the name of the donor and information about the donation. This information can only be viewed by our finance department, as it has access to our organisation’s bank account.

You can find more information on FundraisingBox’s data protection regulations at https://www.fundraisingbox.com/privacy/.

Newsletter and use of the MailChimp automation platform

Our website offers you the opportunity to subscribe to our newsletter. The newsletter provides you periodically with information about our services. We use the third-party service MailChimp as our marketing automation platform. To receive our newsletter, we require a valid email address. Verification of the specified email address is necessary and the receipt of the newsletter is to be agreed. We also ask for your first and last names as optional fields, so that we may personalize the newsletter. When you subscribe to our newsletter, your first and last name (if provided), email address and IP address as well as the date and time you subscribed are sent to and stored by MailChimp. This serves to protect us in the event a third party improperly and without your knowledge makes use of your email address to subscribe to our newsletter. By submitting the newsletter subscription form, you acknowledge that the information you provide will be transferred to MailChimp for processing in accordance with their Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. The data thereby collected is used solely for the purpose of dispatching our newsletter. None of this data is matched to any data that other components of our website may collect.

The data provided in the newsletter registration are processed exclusively on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR). You may cancel your subscription to the newsletter at any time, by using links in the signup confirmation email and each newsletter, or by sending an email to newsletter@borda.org. The legality of the already completed data processing operations remains unaffected by the cancellation. Data entered to set up the subscription will be deleted in the event of cancellation. If these data have been sent to us for other purposes and elsewhere, they will remain with us.

Contacting Us

On our website we offer you the opportunity to contact us, either by email and/or by using a contact form that sends its data by email. In such event, information provided by the user is used only for the purpose of facilitating communications with the user, and is not stored in a database. No data is transferred to third parties. Nor is any of this information matched to any information that may be collected by other components of our website.

Posting Comments

On our website we may offer you the opportunity to post comments about individual articles. For this purpose, the name, email address, and IP address of the user is stored in a database on our server. This information is stored for our security in the event the author through his/her comments infringes against third party rights and/or unlawful content is entered. Consequently, we have a direct interest in the author’s stored data, particularly since we may be potentially liable for such violations. No data is transferred to third parties. Nor is any of this information matched to any information that may be collected by other components of our website.

Use of Google Analytics with Anonymization

Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, hereinafter referred to as “Google”. Google Analytics employs so-called “cookies”, text files that are stored to your computer in order to facilitate an analysis of your use of the site. The information generated by these cookies, such as time, place and frequency of your visits to our site, including your IP address, is transmitted to Google’s location in the US and stored there. In using Google Analytics our website employs the extension, “_gat._anonymizeIp”. In doing so, Google abbreviates and thereby anonymizes your IP address before transferring it from member states of the European Union or signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Google uses this information to analyze your use of our site, to compile reports for us on internet activity and to provide other services relating to website and internet use. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where required to do so by law or where such third parties process this data on Google’s behalf. Google states that it will in never associate your IP address with other data held by Google. You can prevent cookies from being installed by adjusting the settings on your browser software accordingly. You should be aware, however, that by doing so you may not be able to make full use of all the functions of our website. Furthermore, Google offers a deactivation add-on for most current browsers that provides you with more control over what data Google can collect on websites you access. The add-on tells the JavaScript (ga.js) used by Google Analytics not to transmit any information about website visits to Google Analytics. However, the browser deactivation add-on offered by Google Analytics does not prevent information from being transmitted to us or to other web analysis services we may engage. You can find additional information on how to install the browser add-on at the following link:

Use of Facebook components

Our website employs components provided by facebook.com. Facebook is a service of Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA.

Each time our website receives an access request equipped with a Facebook component, the component prompts your browser to download an image of this Facebook component. Through this process, Facebook is informed precisely which page of our website is being visited.

When you access our site while logged into Facebook, Facebook uses information gathered by this component to identify the precise page you are viewing and associates this information to your personal account on Facebook. Whenever you click on the “Like“ button, for example, or enter a comment, this information is transmitted to your personal account on Facebook and stored there. In addition, Facebook is informed of your visit to our website. This occurs regardless of whether you click on a component or not.

If you wish to prevent the transfer to and storage of data by Facebook about you and your interaction with our website, you must first log out of Facebook before visiting our website. The data protection policies of Facebook provide additional information, in particular about the collection and use of data by Facebook, your rights in this regard as well as the options available to you for protecting your privacy:

In addition, tools are freely available on the market that can be used to block Facebook social plug-ins with add-ons from being added to commonly used browsers.

You can find an overview of Facebook plugins at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins

Use of Twitter components

Our website employs components provided by Twitter. Twitter is a service of Twitter Inc., 795 Folsom St., Suite 600, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.

Each time our website receives an access request equipped with a Twitter component, the component prompts your browser to download an image of this component from Twitter. Through this process, Twitter is informed precisely which page of our website is being visited. We have no control over the data that Twitter collects in the process, or over the extent of the data that Twitter collects. To the best of our knowledge, Twitter collects the URL of each website accessed as well as the IP address of the user, but does so solely for the purpose of displaying Twitter components. Additional information may be obtained from the Twitter data privacy policy, at http://twitter.com/privacy.

You may change your data privacy settings in your account settings, at https://twitter.com/account/settings.

Use of YouTube components

We use YouTube plug-ins provided by YouTube, LLC. 901 Cherry Ave. San Bruno, CA 94066, USA (a service of Google, Inc.), to enable you to view YouTube videos embedded on our site. When you play a YouTube video on our site, you will receive a cookie from www.youtube.com. By clicking to play the video, you are assumed to consent to this cookie being used. Whenever you view a page of our site containing such a plug-in, your browser establishes a direct connection to the servers operated by YouTube and the plug-in is displayed on our website. This allows YouTube to place tracking cookies on your computer. These files hold data such as the name of the site being viewed, what pages were visited, what products or other content were viewed, etc. Every time you visit a webpage with embedded content from YouTube, a cookie is created to collect more information. If you visit our site while signed into your YouTube user account, YouTube can assign information concerning your visit to our site to your user account. Information arising from interaction with the YouTube plug-ins (such as clicking or starting videos) will also be assigned by YouTube to your YouTube user account. To prevent this you must log out of your YouTube account before visiting our site. Please refer to YouTube’s privacy policy at https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en, for more information on the purpose and scope of data collection and data analysis undertaken by YouTube as well as your options to modify settings and how to protect your privacy.

Information / Cancellation / Deletion

You may contact us at no cost if you have questions relating to the collection, processing or use of your personal information, if you wish to request the correction, blocking or deletion of the same, or if you wish to cancel explicitly granted consent. Please note that you have the right to have incorrect data corrected or to have personal data deleted, where such claim is not barred by any legal obligation to retain this data.

This Data Privacy Policy Statement is based on a template provided by the Law Offices of Weiß & Partner.