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Fecal Sludge Treatment Mali
Picture Women in Mali
Picture Dewats Mali
Picture Emptying Vehicle Mali


In Mali, we are trying to strengthen the capacities of municipal and national actors in order to facilitate the sustainability and large-scale implementation of improved and decentralized sanitation services in our areas of intervention and thus contribute to the strengthening of social structures in particularly vulnerable urban areas in order to make cities sustainable.

We strengthen the agricultural production capabilities of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) to promote sustainable production and resilience to the effects of climate change. This includes the development of Improved Village Irrigation, Participatory Plant Breeding, Local Agro-Ecological practices, and Bourgou cultivation, as well as providing training and Information, Education, and Communication for environmental conservation. Additionally, we support women and youth in achieving financial empowerment. We also provide food assistance to alleviate the suffering of vulnerable households, including displaced persons and refugees.

Area of intervention: Bamako, Timbuktu, Bandiagara, Ségou, Bougouni, Kita and Dioila

Our approach: We provide appropriate technology adapted to sanitation management with strong community involvement. We also work to strengthen the local capacities of vulnerable populations to improve sustainable living conditions.

Beneficiaries: Our beneficiaries are disadvantaged communities in urban and peri-urban areas as well as rural communities with particular vulnerabilities due to climate change impact and civil conflicts. Our project implementation partners are municipalities, relevant ministries, Malian and international civil society organisations (CSO), private companies and country-level technical working groups.

Partners: We work in partnership with municipalities, local NGOs (RLD, ADAZ, HDS), the State (Ministry of MEADD) and decentralized service, DNUH (National Directorate of Urban Planning and Housing), DNH (National Directorate of Hydraulics), ANGESEM, DNACPN, WASH platforms, and other stakeholders.

Our challenges:

  • Ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
  • Creating reliable employment opportunities and integrating reliable young people into the economic activities of communities
  • Ending hunger, ensuring food security and and improving nutrition by promoting sustainable agriculture and mediating land disputes.

Change the world with us

Clean Water & Sanitation NGO - Boubacar Maiga1

Boubacar Maiga

Our contact person is at your disposal for questions and answers

E-Mail: maiga@borda-africa.org
Phone: +22376010397